Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Saturday Six Twelve

  1. I’ve been spending a lot more time with my friend Chrissy lately.  She is starting back to school after a long period away from it, this coming week, and Monday I went to Batavia with her because she wanted someone to 1) verify that she actually went to fill out the paperwork and schedule classes, 2) keep her from running.  It was quite odd to be back at a college, looking at school courses being scheduled and to see what is mostly, lost seventeen to nineteen year olds running around like puppies in search of bones. Another weird feeling for me being there, was not only is it a college, it was a community college.  I went to a larger scale college, so it felt more like I was walking through the halls of a large high school.  There’s nothing wrong with that, it’s just that it was a smaller campus than from where I spent four years.  I’m so proud of her though, getting back on the track she wants to be.

  2. I got a small planner to put in my purse, so now I have a calendar that isn’t dependent on my phone, and allows me much better memory.  Honestly.  Since I’m lacking in a regular schedule and I generally function better writing things down.

  3. Had to get a shot this week, and finally met a person handling the needle who agreed that there is a difference between liking tattoos (wanting more) and being scared as Hell of needles. I kept saying I wanted to get a tattoo done at the moment than be stuck with the two inches worth of steel that was shoved into my arm.  Shots help with the health, but are pain in the asses no one sees after they’re finished.  Tattoos create beauty as well as can represent a person after they’re finished; they are art and puzzle pieces, they last. I prefer the latter.

  4. I framed some artwork this week finally, that someone really close to my heart had given me four years ago. There’s three drawings, and only two of them have left to go on my wall. That interesting endeavor is something I plan to do today while I have an empty house.

  5. I heard about some job listings available for positions I never contemplated but that would be amazing, and that I qualify for; unfortunately, I can’t apply due to the jobs being in NYC and that’s on the other side of the state. Alas, if I had the funds, I’d try to go out that way and apply anyhow.   The good part about this though, is that it gave me ideas of jobs that I can look for, and for things about myself to put on my resumé that I had never thought of before.  It’s a defeat, but also a small gain. 

  6. Finally, last night I went out with a few friends to a small bonfire.  Yesterday was probably the most I’ve laughed in a couple months, as well as was the best day I’ve had all month.  I thank my friends for that.  And we found out that Pizza Pringles and BBQ Pringles taste amazing together…but, don’t take my word for it, try the combo together!

One thing about today: my oldest nephew has his first football game today, GO BRYAN! <3

Oh, and to my fellow friends that are still in college, returning to college, or starting school to acquire their Masters or Law Degrees,  I know this coming week starts the next leg of it all for you, and I just want to say: Good Luck! Don't have too much fun, but then again, don't work way too much ;)

~Count your blessings, and whether things are bad or you’re doing well, find something good and hold on!

Much love!
