What do you think about, when you think of me?
Do you think of my lips and my ass?
My soft cream skin?
My laugh and smile?
The tears that sting my eyes?
My arms as they wrap around you, pulling you in,
Caressing away as many cares as I can?
Do you think about how much you miss me
Or how you wish you could tell me anything and everything,
But you're not sure where to start?
Do you think about the memories? The sighs?
The nights where I'd fall asleep against your chest?
Do you think about adventures you'd like to take me on?
Things you'd like to show me, teach me?
Do you wonder if I'm thinking about you?
Do you think about finally giving me all of your heart,
No excuses, no others, just giving it to the one who cares
the most?
The one you once said you weren't sure how to give it to,
Even though you wanted to,
Who has always been patient in loving you?
Do you ever think, that I may walk away,
Turn my back, because of too much ache?
Do you think about how I may love you more than you'll ever
And that perhaps you love me more than you'll ever show?
Do you ever think about how often I'm confused from your
Your words and actions, and how sometimes, they don't
What do you think about, when you think of your heart?
What do you think about, when you think of me?