Friday, July 22, 2016


Nine-tenths of the law.
            That is the joke and the truth of the day.
We're afraid of what could have been left by liars
            In our humble hole
In duffle bags and tassel purses--
What was of who we thought were friends and
Allies we would rather be on the right side of but
            Who twisted truth to their benefit in order for our safety net,
Our hospitality.
They took advantage like everyone except for one-tenth
Of "friends" in our circles that grow and shrink,
            Grow and shrink until
We are nothing but really just the two of us.
Best friends and partners,
            True ride or die always on each other's sides
Because we're all that we can rely and dig us out:
Of bad situations and crises;
            Provide laughter and light for each depressive spiral,
                        Always love and give budding strength when the other bends.
They laughed at us when we called and asked, "What do we do?"
But they understand that we declined calls from those
            We had believed and given shelter, food,
            And gave up our privacy because we chose kindness instead of hatred.
I hate that. We try and strive and to do as God's word,
Do unto others and go with the good--
Then the government and the county,
            Or the people we chance,
Chase us back to our quiet apartment tucked in the grove,
Trusting less and more cut-off.
Two plants that chose to be planted together and
Now are forced to reside, grow, entwined in a tiny pot.
If two are to become one, then I guess by something-tenths
            We're bound by more than just future precious-metal knots.