Monday, May 28, 2018


I feel like I'm drowning on sand.
I'm weighted down, can't breathe it seems.
I don't quite understand how I spring leaks,
When I feel as if I'm mummifying,
            Muscles calcifying.
Brain seems to obtain more holes,
            Caverns and tunnels I hardly know where they go--
Except further down into the dark,
Down through the tree trump I spiral out,
My how the lights all seem to go out,
            All over dear broken Wonderland.
I wake in the night to my cats' paws
            Stabbing my ribs and breasts
                        As if my familiar is stabbing
            Deep holes,
                        Jabbing quick and hard,
            As if wooden stakes are missing
Their marks.
I dark not drink, as if my subconscious
Is trying to hold off the inevitable fact that I'll become cement;
I already crack with each thwack my life brings.
Mind and body.
Body, mind.
I fear she may have flown.
            Wake me, this stasis has me gagging, gasping.
Can we just halt the clock a minute,
The second-hand stutter in my palm
            As I search for the answers?
Back through to the other side of the mirror where a hint of me awaits?
I know she's sitting there,
A smirk waiting hidden in the corner
            Of her lips.