He tells me that he’s got ghosts in his past
Skeletons in his closet,
And that he doesn’t know if I can take it.
I don’t know his suffering
But I know my own.
I know what it’s like to be all alone.
I know what it’s like to cry in the middle of the night
And stare in the mirror not knowing myself—
I’ve suffered too and know how to fight.
We both fight wars
Even if they are different from one another—
Don’t judge my battles and I won’t judge yours,
Look at my scars,
I’m a survivor just like you.
So I’ve got a list of guys that
Reaches from ankle to wrist
But it’s not a long as yours of girls,
We do what we can to stop that hollow feeling
Leaving broken hearts and guilty passions in our mist.
We may be different,
But we’re one in the same.